Saturday, July 12, 2014

Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Mitch by Diane Straub

Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Mitch By Diane Straub Mitch McConnell has a message for his female and student constituents. Except he really doesn't want you to HEAR it..he just wants you to FEEL it come January because he is ultra-confident you will return him to his position of honor as a US Senator and Senate Minority leader. In the grand tradition of his party he has been caught on tape saying to a few in private what he would not dare utter in public. As Monty Python would say "Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink!" "McConnell smugly informed voters in Buckner, Kentucky that 50% of women voted for him last time and he gave them no preferential treatment so hey. It’s in the bag." (Politicususa) Hey! What do you know? Mitch further opined on the tape obtained by Leo Weekly that women have it pretty darned great right now and declared sexism pretty much over... “We’ve come a long way… in pay equity and uh… there are a ton of women CEO’s now running major companies…” (Politicsususa) So, Ole Mitch is basically saying that women's issues are not on his radar screen. He figures he has the 50% female vote all locked up and he doesn't even have to promise to address equal pay or women's health or ERA or violence against women..none of that. He can just go back to being the huge turtle shaped doorstop in front of this President and by gum, if need be the next. As Jon Stewart says "Yup, Yup, Yup..." It isn't just women that get the full measure of Mitch's voracious apathy. Students and their obstacle of affording the spiking cost of attending college and the attendant massive, unforgivable debt they incur are also NOT on his radar screen. “I think more competition and shopping around for college alternatives is a pretty good idea. This comes from a guy who’s financed three daughters at out-of-state schools.” “I think the best short term solution is for parents to be very cost conscious in shopping around for higher education alternatives.” “Not everybody needs to go to Yale.” (Politicsususa) Hmmm..I've heard this sentiment somewhere before.. Danny Noonan: I planned to go to law school after I graduated, but it looks like my folks won't have enough money to put me through college. Judge Smails: Well, the world needs ditch diggers, too. (Caddyshack IMDB) Wow! Judge Smails would have loved Mitch McConnell! Talk about two hearts beating as one. You have hopes and dreams? Well, take a page from the Mitchster..he's paying for HIS daughters. You don't have the money but you have a 150 IQ? Not everybody can go to Yale..the world needs ditch diggers and people to clean pools and dressage horses too.. "American politician, Mitch McConnell has an estimated net worth of $9.8 million, nearly a 30% increase from 2010." ( What's that you say? Your parents don't have a net worth of $9.8 Million? That is unfortunate..but Mitch has let you know that he has his family covered and your problems just aren't his concern..he has his own problems trying to get reelected and hopefully he can gain another 30% of net worth in the next 4 years. Mitch's opponent, Alison Lundergan Grimes is a study in contrast to the Mitch ALEC & Koch agenda. She is a champion in the fight for equal pay, women's health, violence against women legislation, education, seniors, energy policy, Social Security, Medicare and Middle Class issues. Read up on her campaign and her take on the issues here: We do not have more time to whittle away on legislators who refuse to legislate and who refuse to acknowledge the painful and difficult realities facing the American people at all ages and in all walks of life. Let's not make the mistake of making elected office in the United States an entitlement that is bestowed on the candidate with the most money for nasty and misleading attack ads. It is our futures and the futures of our children we are handing over when we are too lethargic to understand the issues and choices in our election process. Vote for the candidate that remembers YOU the Wednesday after the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.


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