Please share this far and wide. Let's get the ball rolling. "We the People of the United States in order to restore our democracy and economic well being do hereby announce our intention to sue the Congress of the United States for the following crimes: agreeing in secret to willfully oppose all legislation supported/proposed by the President of the United States, thereby committing election nullification against the majority mandate of the people, as expressed in the last two presidential elections; tailoring legislation to benefit corporations and large donors to the detriment and neglect of the people; filibustering legislation for overdue infrastructure rehabilitation; dereliction of duty in its failure to recognize the existence of global warming and to address its cessation and reversal; failure to obey Constitutional mandates to fund the government by allowing said function to be usurped through the consignment of said authority to one citizen; willfully closing down the federal government, costing taxpayers billions of dollars; funding unneeded weapon systems instead of attending the needs of the people; failure to investigate and imprison those responsible for the Great Recession; failure to break up the "too big to fail" banks thereby encouraging future economic recessions or depression of a more severe nature; failure to restore the Voting Rights Act to prevent widespread voter suppression that is now debilitating the right to vote; and for the general unwillingness to compromise and reach agreements on legislation needed to "promote the general welfare" of the people as called for by the Constitution. Taken together, these failures constitute rebellion against the authority of the United States of America. The failures by this Congress, as enumerated above, are evidenced by their passage of the fewest pieces of legislation of any Congress in the history of our nation. For these reasons and many more we shall enumerate, We the People, will be bringing suit against the Congress of the United States." - You may find Tracy Knauss over on Facebook at
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