Thursday, June 26, 2014

"Democrats Are Too Damned Polite" (quote from Gail Mountain) by Laurel Davila

"Democrats Are Too Damned Polite"

by Laurel Davila 

I have the unique pleasure of working daily with a fine political activist named Gail Mountain. Last Sunday, Scott Henderson and I scheduled Gail to participate on Scott's Brass Knuckle Progressives Radio show featuring: THE POLITICAL ROUND TABLE; where she is quoted on this meme created by Occupy Democrats.

Gail is an Administrator for the Facebook group called Progressive Democrats - Moving Forward, Not Back, which is a team of Democratic Party volunteer clicktivists that I founded. We work social media to get out the Democratic Party political candidate message, and to educate the electorate in trying to get them to vote. She is one of my Editors on this particular Facebook Page.

The great Gail Mountain is also a hard hitting #PDMFNB and #UniteBlueTweeter from the account @GKMTNtwits, where she urges media journalists (mainly on MSNBC) to be responsible in their reporting, instead of, as she calls it, "divining" the news. She is an expert at moving between the four big social media platforms: Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Please take a moment to listen to the archived @BKPRadio show using the link below, where Gail passionately makes this statement about Democrats; and do yourself a favor by checking out her personal Blogspot at the link below.

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