Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Old John Birch Society Born Again ~ Claire Conner Mork

Conventional D.C. punditry, says Ted Cruz, has destroyed the GOP's standing and made it possible for Democrats to take back the House. This is, in my opinion, pie in the sky. 

Listen to this assessment of Cruz's impact on the GOP on Texas. "Just about every GOP candidate with aspirations to statewide office in 2014 seems to be styling himself or herself after Cruz. In tight formation, they are moving hard to the right and looking for the next big populist rallying cry — secession, rolling back the state’s liberal immigration laws, impeaching President Obama, amending the Constitution to end the direct election of U.S. senators."

Look at the list of ideas these folks are touting:
1. Secession.
2. Rolling back immigration laws.
3. Impeaching the president.
4. Getting rid of the direct election of senators.

These folks are not humbled. These folks are not swayed by polling. These folks are revolutionaries.

By the way, the John Birch Society is pushing the idea of nullification (a popular idea in Dixie before the Civil War). The John Birch Society is anti-immigration reform. The John Birch Society led the push to impeach President Clinton. The John Birch Society opposes the direct election of senators.

Ted Cruz and his Texas fans are the old John Birch Society born again in red cowboy boots, waving their Lone Star flag and demanding the destruction of the federal government. 

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