Friday, June 20, 2014

And Republican Voters Are On Your Side? by Malina Lobel-karimi

All right, so we need another reminder of THE LIST:
You want to abolish the minimum wage and republican voters are on your side? Great, have THEM working for whatever you're willing to pay.
You want to abolish abortions altogether and republican voters are on your side? Great, don't let your mistress have an abortion and don't let ANY republican have an abortion.
You want Obamacare to go away and republican voters are on your side?
Great, don't let republicans sign up for it! Don't avail yourself of the expanded right to keep your kids on your policy now till the age of 26.
You want to grant a private company like Hobby Lobby to NOT include birth control and republican voters are on your side? Great, do NOT let ANY republican use birth control (I know, the thought of them reproducing is repulsive). This includes ALL WOMEN minors and adults who use birth control at the rate of 99%.
You want this state expansion on gun rights and republican voters are on your side? Great, what about the sixty percent republicans polled who want SENSIBLE BACKGROUND checks? You're willing to ignore them and they're willing to BE ignored. So far, too many schools with kids too young to vote have been killed in states were republicans do NOT have a majority and that includes Virginia Tech since they regard universities as liberal institutions.
You want to believe in someone like Rick Santorum when he says "Obama wants everyone to go to college. What a snob!" republican voters? Keep in mind that Santorum has two college degrees and so do his five children. Great, if you don't believe in college and higher education, don't send your kids there! See how well they'll do without it.
You want them to believe that Obama will take your second amendment rights away and republican voters are on your side? Six years in and not only do you STILL have your guns...You have more of them! The only thing you've lost here, is whatever semblance of sanity you had to begin with.
You want to go back into Iraq and republican voters are with you? Great, all republican legislators go in first...Along with your families...Along with ALL republicans going in first...Along with corporate CEO's and their offspring going in first. Then, we will follow YOU. If we had listened to republicans on this, we would have had a face-off with Russia, challenged China, entered into Syria and North Korea. We would have attacked Iran.
You want corporations to flourish even more without paying their fair share of taxes and republican voters are with you? Great, then also check a history book or two and see what happens to a GREAT country when oligarchy or fascism sets in. When austerity is put in place for the many excluding the few...the wealthy.
You want to be against gay rights and republican voters are with you?
Great, then why was this topic completely (now) omitted from your republican conclaves when only two years ago, you ran vehemently against it. Now, you are completely ignoring this subject altogether.
You are against some sort of immigration reform and republican voters are with you?
Great, then why are you forgetting that we are ALL immigrants and ONLY the American Indian has a legitimate claim to this land? Not ALL Mexicans/Hispanics are hard working individuals? Then again, neither are all Italians, Irish, Germans, Asians, Israelis, Scandinavian and ALL OTHER blocs that have at one point or another landed here.
Obviously, we disagree on a few subject matters. Instead of me quoting Adlai Stevenson and saying...If the republicans will stop telling lies about the democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them, I would beseech you to CHECK YOUR FACTS. Check what you hear on fox news. Check what you hear from the Rush. JUST CHECK what democrats say about current events aforementioned here.
JUST CHECK ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU HEAR...Then decide who is telling the truth. Who has the interest of the many and NOT the few. 

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