Saturday, August 31, 2013

Don't Waste Your Vote ~ Ruth Ann Satchfield

Ruth Ann Satchfield:

"Most of you know that I vote Democratic now, but that was not always the case. I was an Independent before the Republicans got George Bush elected twice. The damage those elections did will take many years to repair, and this country may never recover. He would never have become president if many of us had not voted for other parties that did not have a chance of winning. Several of my friends and others I interact with on a regular basis keep insisting that one party is as bad as the other.
First, that is not even near true, but even if it was, and we all got together and elected Jill Stein President of the United States, how would that work? President Obama had to work to get some of the needed votes from the red-state Democrats to defeat the Republicans. Jill Stein is further left, and does not have the credentials or the power to pull in the votes of all the Democrats. Those red-state Democrats would vote with the Republicans, and she would not get anything done. If Bernie Sanders was running, he would have a better chance of accomplishing more, but in states like Texas, Georgia, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arizona, and others he is known as a socialist, so it would be a difficult choice for those Democrats to vote with him. He would still be a better choice because of the connections he has. We do not have a Teddy Roosevelt, and unless we did, it cannot work."
"Understanding the need for the help of the Congress to get anything accomplished in Washington, what do we really think the Green Party can do? President Obama’s agenda has been harmed by the Tea Party, and he has had to go around the people who hate government of all types. The Tea Party seems to have some members of the Republican Party bullied, and might have a better chance of getting something done if they got someone elected. That would depend on them actually wanting to accomplish anything; except for the destruction of the United States government, they seem to have no other goals. I want to believe that when push comes to shove, the old-time Republicans will vote for what is good for this country, and they know that is not the Tea Party."
"I am sure that you have lots of legislation you would like passed if you are a Green Party member, and I am pretty sure I would agree with most of it. If you cannot see a pathway to getting that legislation passed, you must make one. The best way to do that is to start on the local level and work up. When it is a choice between the Republicans and Green, I choose Green, and I’ll bet others do, too. In the meantime, to vote into office a presidential candidate with hands tied tighter than President Obama’s would be a waste of power. The Democratic Party works for the people of our country. They support unions, public education, public health care, seniors, clean air, clean water, regulating corporations (including banks), and most of all, they respect the middle class and the poor. The Republicans support the richest 1%: corporations that pay no taxes and move jobs overseas, support education for only a few, and sell our water to corporations, not regulating those corporations and letting them poison both water and air. They do not support regulations for the banks. If you cannot see a difference in these two parties, I cannot help beyond these facts. It is time to unite the people of this country against the corporations that are destroying the American dream and the country itself. The only way we can do that is to work within the Democratic party, and pull it back left. Just like the Tea Party pulled some to the right, the Green Party could be instrumental in pulling many back to the left. Instead of being destructive and without a clear path to power, we could actually accomplish something by pushing our goals within the Democratic Party. It is politics, so no one gets everything he or she wants, but the way things are presently working, we are not getting anything accomplished and we make it easier for a Republican to get elected."
"Please give this some thought: accomplishing something or accomplishing nothing. Seems like a simple choice to me."

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