Saturday, August 31, 2013

On Syria ~ By Blaine Coleman

Blaine Coleman: "If I recall, a majority of the public was against the Iraq war, not only because it was based on lies, but mainly because the attackers came from Afghanistan! Bush managed to damage our reputation with most of our allies and that's, unfortunately, bleeding over onto Obama. Last week a US satellite recorded and transmitted to the military, chemical weapons being moved, rockets being fired to strike civilian areas in Damascus. Just how much proof does anyone need that Assad is gassing and poisoning his own citizens, napalming schools, hospitals, etc.? This is not 2001 and Bush is not the President. He fooled Congress- Republican-controlled- into supporting his personal vendetta against Saddam. Well, Obama has no personal vendetta and he knows that Russia is supplying plane loads of weapons to Assad every week. As much as I detest war in any form, I do believe that a strong and successful strike on Syria is the only way to prove to countries such as Iran that they can't blatantly flout international law and get away with it. I have to ask: If not us, who? If not now, when?"

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