Friday, September 20, 2013

So, Let's Look At Abuse ~ Charlie Kent

Abuse: Abuse happens everywhere. Abuse of Tax Code for YOUR BENEFIT, abuse of Tax Loopholes for YOUR BENEFIT, and ABUSE of PRIVILEGE -as being exhibited by a 'certain branch of Congress' which would 'allow' several million people to starve, risking lives, livelihoods, and the future -all because Mr. Eric Cantor -a total douche bag of a human being, thinks "it was "wrong for working, middle-class people to pay" for abuse of the program"

So, let's look at 'abuse': 

Merriam-Webster defines abuse as: 

1: a corrupt practice or custom
2: improper or excessive use or treatment : misuse <drug abuse>
3: obsolete : a deceitful act : deception
4: language that condemns or vilifies usually unjustly, intemperately, and angrily
5: physical maltreatment

So, if I am to understand it correctly, number one could mean, 'the propensity of certain members of congress to 'ABUSE' filibuster, the number of times attempted to repeal something that was law which in turn was upheld by the SUPREME COURT, or the ability for 'certain members' of Congress to 'benefit' from lucrative business contracts, donations, and benefits on the tax payers dollars for essentially doing nothing.

Number two could suggest, abuse of work related practices and the ability to be purchased, and as such contort the gesture into something altruistic that is essentially malignant. As for the drug use portion, if bourbon, whiskey, smoking and orange hued spray tans are a 'drug' I rest my case, not to mention the abuse of the words 'God, Religion, Morality, and Responsibility' -because let's face it we are looking at a full house on that one.

Number Three could allude to manipulation of facts to coerce a constituency to support causes and agendas that are actually against their better interests, such as blaming a ballooning deficit (which ironically is shrinking all while the scary word 'debt' is being swung around like a pinata at a Mexican kid's birthday party) on the backs or the elderly, the sick, the infirm, veterans, children, and the unemployed -because let's face it when it come to abusers and fraud that's what comes to mind, right?? No one would suspect anyone using free vacations, generous benefits and retirements, the ability to manipulate air traffic, all on the taxpayer's dollars would never be someone that is 'abusive'.

Number Four might allude to the fact in the eyes of a particular demographic of the population, all of the above mentioned parties, the elderly, the sick, the infirm, veterans, children, and the unemployed are the ones 'abusing' the system...not the accusers, because when it comes to being described as villains, no one ever suspects a Mormon Missionary, an orange caricature, or a 'grandfatherly' type from the rolling hills of Kentucky to be villains..

Number Five -well that speaks for itself. I know I have been beat up by the elderly quite a bit in my life. I know that a lot of elderly white men have abused my female friends by restricting their access to healthcare; I have seen children and the disabled deprived of food and healthcare and that seems pretty abusive, especially when the abuser should know better...

So, when it comes to 'abusing' the middle class tax payer, perhaps Mr. Cantor, Tootsie Turtle, and Bonehead you, and your 'ilk' should all take a long hard look in the mirror and perhaps be a little bit concerned there might be a hell -because that is where you are going... [Look for more of Charlie Kent's entries in the near future.]

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