Friday, September 13, 2013

Women Are Not Going Back Under Male Dominance ~ Ruth Ann Satchfield

~By Ruth Ann Satchfield

"The world is changing around us, sometimes too fast for many of us to comprehend. The people who call themselves conservative - whether on the left or right - have trouble with change. Much of the abortion debate is about change. People who do not accept necessary change would send the world back to the 1950's where half the population had very little choice but to get married and stay with their husbands - even the abusive ones. Men were dominant in that society and many would like to return to that time. That is why many of the preachers and the religious right are coming out against birth-control. If preventing abortions was their actual goal, as they state, they would instead be promoting birth-control. Returning to male dominance is their actual goal. Why all the insecurity? It might be the fact that women score higher than males on intelligence tests, and are now considered the smarter of the sexes. In the last 100 years, everyone has been gaining IQ points on tests, but women are progressing fastest. Until recent years, women lagged behind men; not anymore. There are two reasons. Experts suggest that women were always more intelligent, and given equal education have naturally progressed, and/or because women have been forced to become very good at multitasking due to today's lifestyles, their IQ's have increased. It is true that girls mature faster than boys and are usually more productive in school, in general. I know some very intelligent men who did not perform well in high school, but did exceptionally well in college. Girls have been consistently furthering their educations, as well. Since 1982, more women than men have been graduating from college with bachelor's, associate bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Women have earned 4.1 million more bachelor's degrees and 9.1 million degrees overall than men in the last thirty years. Could this be driving the need to return to the 1950's lifestyle? Women are well-prepared for the jobs of the future, while men are going into fields that could be short-lived, but are they? It is true that physical-labor jobs are being replaced with robots more and more and have been for years. Many of the jobs that went overseas will not be there long before automation takes over. The auto industry has been one of the main industries to use automation; those jobs are expected be to be decreased by 18% by 2018. Jobs that were previously thought to be secure may be in danger in the future. Robots are being developed to perform these jobs and some are already functioning. A robot recently prepared 350,000 doses of medication with no mistakes. Pharmacy has traditionally been a profitable career field into which both men and women have invested time and money to further their education and secure their future. Other jobs that will be in jeopardy from robots because of technology already developed, are surprisingly quite varied as bus drivers, chauffeurs, lawyers, song writers, reporters, astronauts, rescue workers, soldiers, baby sitters, and of course retail clerks. What does this mean for them?" 

"These are just a few of the changes coming our way. There are many more. Rice University projects that by the year 2045, robots will take over many more of the jobs humans do now. This country should be increasing funds spent on the education of our students instead of devaluing education altogether. There will be fewer jobs in other fields in the future but technology will be exploding. Even if they have robots to build the robots, there will have to be people to oversea the creation and design of the new technology and program, maintain, and repair those robots. We will need a workforce that is competent in computer science and programming, engineering, math, and science. If we do not turn our country around and equip our children for the future, what future do you think our children or our country will have? The lifestyle ahead will be different for both men and women. With all these changes coming our way, does it make sense to try and move our society back to the 1950's just to appease some insecure people? Women are not going back under male dominance no matter what. We have found out what it means to make our own choices and to be self-reliant. As a divorced single mother, the most important gift I gave my girls was the gift of self-reliance. They are both educated with degrees, although happily-married, they have the self-esteem and the ability to make it in the world alone. From the figures about the education gap, I am not the only parent to see the necessity of raising our daughters to rely on themselves. Now, it is time to give ALL our children the tools to make our country a leader in the future. We use to be number one in the number of college graduates, now we are number sixteen. Going backwards is just not an option!"

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