Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Fiery Trial Through Which We Pass ~ Eric Smith

A future with the Republican Party is a hopeless future indeed; it is a future so horrible and so hopeless in fact that it is one where the living will envy the dead. So for the sake of remaining hopeful and maintaining our sanity as well we must, in spite of ourselves, continue to believe in and envision a nation where there is no Republican Party. We must envision a Republican free America even if we must envision an America that we ourselves are no longer alive to see.

For only by doing this can we ensure that we will continue to rail and fight against the evil that this party and its radical ideology represents. Only by believing in its inevitable destruction will we continue to labor to ensure its destruction. If we believe that the Republican Party is destined to remain a scourge to our national existence into perpetuity then what is the point to our continued efforts to fight it? Why continue to fight for a cause we believe to be lost for make no mistake a cause is only lost when those fighting for that cause believes it is is so.

If we have any faith in ourselves & in this nation then we have to believe that the Republican Party & what it stands for is on the fast track to extinction. We have to convince ourselves in spite of everything that its days are numbered and that future generations will not be burdened by its mindless madness of hate & intolerance. We have to believe this & comport ourselves accordingly not only for our sake, for our children's sake, for our nation's sake and for the sake of the future; not only for the future of the people of this country but for the sake of the future of all the people all over the world; to the very end of time itself.

Global posterity is counting on us to rid the globe of the scourge that is the Republican Party and we can neither let not have we the right, to let posterity down. What President Abraham Lincoln said to America in his December 1st, 1862 Message to Congress in regards to the great evil of his time that was slavery, applies equally to us as we confront the great evil of our time; the Republican Party & all the hate and intolerance it now represents.

"We cannot escape history." said President Lincoln back then. "We will be remembered in spite of ourselves. No personal significance or insignificance, can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us down in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation. We shall nobly save or meanly lose, the last best hope of Earth."

~By Eric Smith [stay tuned for more blog entries by Eric in the near future]

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