Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Democratic Party Needs You ~ Lynne Smith was something I had never heard of a month ago. I am not very tech me, I am not so much in to new things. I can remember when my family depended on me to know how to program the remote, teach them things on a cell phone or a computer. Now I am the one who needs! However, don't give up this group because you feel inadequate or fear it will be too hard to learn. If I can do it, you can too. Your country needs you and the Democratic Party needs you too. 

We have to stand in the gap for President Obama and other Democrats who are willing to step into the trenches to insure a progressive road map for our country is followed. Just think what those candidates go through. Every little single mistake or "sin" as the Tea Partiers would say, can and will be held against you in the court of public disclosure and worse than that your very jury may be FOX news. As a candidate you learn about things you have done that you don't even remember, acknowledge. Or have even done because truth doesn't matter. It is all perception. You and I, we're lucky though. We don't have to air our dirty laundry (some of us may be soiled while others just have a little faded color) in the public arena. 

We are being asked to learn a skill to stand in the gap like President Obama has for each us. When I first read Laurel's statement I thought, I already have a lot on my plate. This might be hard and time consuming. I may or may not be guilty of playing Candy Crush and Farm Then I thought, well what if democrats had said that and shoved the ACA aside. What if they had thought we will never be able to do it, had other "pet" projects or thought it might cause them a political fall-out? My life would be meaningless in many ways. Prior to the passage of ACA, I was dying a slow physical death. I may never walk again, but I will have good solid medical care due to ACA that is affordable. 

You and I are lucky though. We aren't military personnel who go off to fight "stupid" wars or real conflict. Through grassroots campaigns we elected a commander in chief who tries to insure every day, that the lives of our military are protected. He doesn't view these lives as expendable; he views them as sons and daughters, mothers and fathers. Even as the war mongers call him name he holds his ground standing in the gap for the military. Our Democratic leaders stand in that gap every day, fighting for fairness regardless of your race or agenda. They stand in the gap for children, who in America shouldn't go hungry, and face those Tea Party folks who seem to have only one loyalty, and that is themselves. 

When I began to think about what has been given to me, so that I might live in an America that doesn't forsake children, that doesn't send young people into wars "just because", that fights for the rights of workers, and is trying to give us all health insurance, I think to myself, surely I can learn a few new programs in the privacy of home, sitting in an easy chair. You too can do it. I need you to help me and millions of other Americans insure that we have life-saving medical care regardless of our medical needs, age, or gender. We need you the Democratic Party to stand tall and do what it takes to start a grassroots effort across social media. This is the new going house to house to bring truth to the masses. 

Finally, the American public and the Democratic party needs you so that America can return to a time of activism that brought us the women's right to vote, a focus on the needs of a child, a vision to protect Senior Citizens, health insurance for all and a return to a simpler time when neighbor cared for their neighbor. Don't give up, get mad, get stubborn, but come on folks we have to stand in the gap for our children and grandchildren and teach them what it means to be a Democrat and a citizen of these United States. We have to insure tomorrow comes.

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