Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hobby Lobby Women Employee's Emergency Kit by Tracy Knauss

This is the harsh reality of a landmark decision last week made by the five Republican/Male/Catholic justices on the Supreme Court. They approved men's access to Viagra and similar products while denying women the choice of the range of products available for their health care. All because the religious zealots at Hobby Lobby didn't want these women's products to be covered on their company insurance plans. The five Republican men on the Supreme Court, also zealots, agreed with them. Although Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote the majority decision, said it was "narrow," the next day the court walked that back saying it was general and broad. One of their decisions the following day confirmed just that, as they expanded the ruling even more. It's all about money, power and control over women, masquerading as "religious rights" of "corporations as people" itself an oxymoron decided by moron oxen on the highest court. 

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