Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What We Should Be Doing For Our Campaign by Sharon Newell Holle

Weekly phone banking with weekend of action:

Here in Iowa, our County Democrats are hosting weekly phone banking. Contact your County Democratic Party to see if they are holding phone banks in your area.

Phone Banking:

During phone banking you should be calling folks to:

1. Persuade non-voters to vote this election cycle

2. Sign people up to volunteer

3. Register people to vote

4. Register people to vote by mail

5. Polling people to identify supporters for your candidates

Door Knocking:

1. Hand out literature with educational information about your Democratic Candidates

2. Sign people up to vote

3. Sign people up to register to vote

4. Sign people up for Vote By Mail ballot

5. Sign people up to volunteer for the campaign

Weekend of Action:

On selected weekends the County Party will hold Weekends of Action.

Weekends of Action consist of two full days of Phone Banking and Literature Drop offs in targeted neighborhoods. Each weekend that these events are held there will be a different agenda and targeted voters.

• Sign up for a Weekend of Action through your County
Democratic Party

• Sign up for a specific day and time that you would come to volunteer

• Select the type of work you wish to do on your day of volunteer

• Phone banking

• Door Knocking and literature drop off

Holiday Parades:

Sign up to walk in holiday parades with your County Democrats. Political candidates need people to walk with them in parades. If you volunteer to walk in support of a specific candidate they may ask you to wear one of their t-shirts bearing their name and logo. If they don’t have t-shirts for you to wear they may ask you to carry one of their planks with their name. You may choose to walk simply as a Democrat with the Democratic Party. Either way you are volunteering your time to help out your party and it is much appreciated.

Meet and Greet Parties and Fundraisers for Primary Candidates—House Party Fundraisers for Incumbents:

Now that the campaigns have started to pick up pace you may want to get involved in helping plan/attend a Meet and Greet for those candidates that are in a Primary election. We hold Meet and Greets for the public to come and meet the candidate, ask questions and listen to them speak. These events help constituents decide which candidate they will support in the general election. Often the Press will be invited to come to help give the candidate media exposure. Donations are always accepted at these events. You can contact your County Democrats for information on how you can get involved.

House Parties for Incumbents:

The Incumbent candidate is up for re-election and wishes to win back his/her held seat. Now is time for fundraising in order to keep up with their opponents. House Parties are usually held at a volunteer’s house. Sometimes people will rent out large party rooms or picnic areas to hold a fundraiser for their favorite candidate. Often the Press will be invited to come to help give the candidate media exposure. If you would like to hold a house party for your favorite political candidate, volunteer through your County Democrats. They will be happy to help you plan and set up your event to make sure that it is a success. Your favorite candidate will be forever grateful for your generous contribution to their campaign.


Political candidates need money for funding their campaign travels, office, equipment, media, and staff. Any dollar amount of money that you can afford to give is greatly appreciated.

If you do not wish to volunteer or you simply cannot volunteer, there are many ways that you can help your Democratic Campaign out without working!

1. Donate office items. All Campaign offices need office items and your donations really help them out a lot! This is a great way to volunteer on your campaign; offices cannot function without adequate supplies! You may donate office items either by purchasing a gift certificate from an office supply store, or by purchasing the office items yourself and delivering them to the office.

2. Donate food. All campaign offices need food for their staff and volunteers who come in to the office on a daily basis get hungry while they work. If you would like to donate food and drinks to your campaign office it would be greatly appreciated and a GREAT way to volunteer for your campaign. Here again, gift certificates, catering, or your own baked goods are always very much appreciated by your campaign staff and volunteers. Paper plates, napkins, paper towels, paper cups, eating utensils are also needed for the office.

3. Cleaning the office. Cleaning the campaign office and helping to keep it tidy is another way that you can volunteer. Campaign offices are very busy all of the time and they get cluttered quickly. If you are a person that is willing to help keep the office looking neat and clean while the others are working it is greatly appreciated by the busy staff and volunteers. After all, an office works more efficiently when things are in order!
Thank you so much for all of your help and support! We cannot win an election without the help of everyone pitching in and doing their part.

Bottom Line:

According to expert economists Robert Reich, and Paul Krugman, our country's government is not an Oligarchy yet, however we are heading that way. If we do not give our President a Congress that will work with him this November, we could possibly lose our country to big business owners like the Koch brothers. The bottom line in this year’s election is down to this,” Who do we want to be in control of our government?” Do we want to keep the power that our founding fathers gave to us, or do we let big business have it? I for one choose, “We the People.”

Let’s give our President a Congress that will work with him and for the people! VOTE DEMOCRAT in November!! 

Photo: Maria Bribrusco, door knocking


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProgressiveDemocratsMovingForwardNotBack

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